Unusual . . . Says who?

Unusual: ŭn-yū'zhū-əl; adj. Not usual, common, or ordinary.

If you were to spend even a few hours in our home, one thing would be clearly visible!

Nothing is ever usual! There is no normal, there is no common, there is no ordinary!

Let me explain . . .

Most people when shopping for clothes, try them on in the dressing room. At the very least they take the clothes off the hanger before they try them on!
Most people watch movies while sitting on the couch or a chair. Occasionally, you might lay on the floor with a pillow to watch a movie. We prefer to combine these in to a hybrid version . . .
What do you mean you can be too big for a kid's ride? Once a kid, always a kid right?
 If you can't find some movie scene you can imitate while doing it, why even bother doing it!?!
 T-Rex - aka: Sharp Tooth - The Land Before Time
 Jessie and Woody - Toy Story II

Hey, Mom! Look what I just made out of the new t-shirt you bought me for P.E.? I love scissors! Not even Michael Jordan can touch this!
Attending a wedding at the temple? The House of the Lord? Here, let me give you my best "reverent" pose!
What? When you go to the bathroom you just read?


You could be in there for an hour!

You gotta get with the program . . .

Have you tried circling your favorite words in magazines?

Action figures?


Sticky Tape? 


How about a combination of all of them!?!


  1. i

    I am loving these photos. Jessie & Woody was my fav until I saw the toilet picture.

    this is my favorite post ever.

  2. Ethan is quite the multi-tasker! You know it is a lost art,.... and he seems to have it mastered! :) This is too cute! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Sweet! How I love the Kornegays!


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