Dear Jesus - Part 1

For the past few weeks, building up to his birthday, Ethan has been very focused on wanting to seek out a certain person and ask them for specific things. Not just anything, but special requests, that only this one person can accommodate.

That person is Jesus... in The Christ, our Savior, 'ha Yeshua Massiach, Jesus the Messiah.'

On Monday, Ethan came home from school with one of these special requests. He asked if he could write a letter and ask Jesus for something special. I had him grab a piece of paper and we sat down and wrote a letter to Jesus.

Enjoy :)

Dear Jesus, 

Close your eyes and use your imagination and give me a Loki Mask in the movie THE MASK of Jim Carrey and Camron Diaz with colors on the front and back and a green glowing thing on the back to move to the left of the Loki Mask with powers to spin around and say smokin. 

Love Ethan Kornegay


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