O' Captain, My Captain . . .

Why do I stand up here? Anybody? . . .  I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way. . . .  

. . . Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular. . . . 
I love the theme of Dead Poet's Society: Carpe Diem. To seize the day, to face life, to wrestle with all that is life, to make something of life, to 'contribute a verse,' to leave our mark.

With that said, there are three types of people who read this blog: 
  2. Those that are not followers, but read regularly and leave occasional comments, and 
  3. Those who are stalkers. 
Now, please don't be offended by that word, I use it tongue-in-cheek. If you are one of those surreptitious readers whose only footprint of evidence that you have been here and read my thoughts is the tick mark on the visitor's log, know that I love the fact that you stopped by and read - I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you got something out of it! That is why I write in the first place: to share.
Today, however, I am asking all of you to be 'slightly more daring!' Hence the name of this post is 
O' Captain, my Captain.
I ask you to be slightly more daring by accepting my invitation to write a guest post.  Your post can be about Ethan, or somebody else who has special needs, be they family, friend, student, fellow church member, neighbor, or stranger. It can be short or long, funny or serious, cute or emotional, mundane or life-changing, frustrating or just plain silly. The only prerequisite is that it is a personal story about your interactions in the special needs world. Fair enough?

Those of you daring enough to accept my invitation can send your work to me at:


Just write 'Guest Blog' in the subject line. You can send it as the text in the body of an email or as an individual attachment, it doesn't matter, just send them. People have various ways of blogging so, as much as possible, I will try to retain your style (i.e., formatting). Remember, names can be changed to protect the innocent! =)'

Be daring; you will not be asked to 'sit down Mr. Anderson.'

Thanks, I look forward to hearing back from you.


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